Marine film Coordinator
Hollywood Film Locations Georgia Coast
Georgia has offered extensive tax credits for companies filming in Georgia, and the result is that Georgia now leads the nation in film production. Most film companies make their way to the Georgia coast eventually do to the unparalleled vistas offered by the most extensive ecosystem east of the Mississippi River. Fourteen major beachfront barrier islands make up the 90 mile Georgia coast, and only four are accessible by roads.
You can go to the other 11 islands but only by boat. Inside the barrier islands are over 1/2 million acres of marshlands, smaller islands, and winding waterways inhabited by the most abundant wildlife populations on the east coast. No wonder Hollywood has come to Georgia.
Cap Fendig Waterfront Film Coordinator Locations Master Boat Captain
CAP FENDIG has been involved in every major film production in the St. Simons, Jekyll, Brunswick, and Sea Island area since the arrival of the film ROOTS in the 70's to the latest yet to be released film from BEN AFFLECK, "LIVE BY NIGHT." For over 45 years, Cap has provided services to film companies by scouting locations, serving as a boat captain, assistant waterfront coordinator, and waterfront coordinator. His film credits include ROOTS, GLORY, LEGENDS OF BAGGER VANCE, SEASON IN PURGATORY, XMEN FIRST CLASS, ANCHORMAN II and LIVE BY NIGHT. Cap's renowned expertise and local knowledge of the coastal island and waters has saved film companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in mistakenly produced scenes, locations, stunts, and mishaps due to his local knowledge and understanding of what film companies need.

Suppose you are a film company looking to scout the Georgia coast in areas accessible by boat, or you need a fleet of vessels with captains, barges, etc... In that case, Cap can assist you in securing those waterfront locations and assets to make your film work. Cap is a Master US Coast Guard Captain of 43 years experience and is glad to work from whatever level of a contract provision, be it boat captain, location scout, assistant waterfront coordinator, or waterfront coordinator. Cap served as a local government official for ten years and came from one of the oldest families on the island. His extensive local relationships assure your film production will succeed above and beyond your production aspirations.